In one of my earlier blog I talked about how the seperation and overlap between religion and government. At the end of that blog I left two questions unanswered. Yesterday I saw the preview for the movie "MILK." During the preview one of the politican turned to Milk and stated " the public values the family life." At that point I began to think about gay marriage, and how that plays a role in government and religion. I began by looking at arguements for and against religion. I came across an article named Acceptance of Homosexuality by: Frank Turek. In this article he explained reasons why gay marriage and homosexuality should not be allowed. This article gave me an insight into the way in which some individuals think. Personally I am a supporter of equal rights, however I think that it is important to understand or try to understand both sides of the stituation.
I have posted an link to this article, the title of the link is called All About Wordview. This website also has a wide range of articles on other topics. This articles are either for or against a particular ideal.
If you are also interested in other ideas that Frank Turek has he wrote a book called:
If you are also interested in other ideas that Frank Turek has he wrote a book called:
Correct, NOT Politically Correct: How Same-Sex Marriage Hurts Everyone
by Dr. Frank Turek
by Dr. Frank Turek
and co author another book called:
I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist
by Norman L. Geisler and Frank Turek
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