Wednesday, April 1, 2009

"Paleolithic Art and Religion" and The Cave of Lascaux

While reading the chapter on “Paleolithic Art and Religion” I was fascinated by the different civilizations. Even though information was able to be determined about the past, nothing can be deemed as a fact. Just by looking at one particular piece of evidence, there is alot possible information that can be interpreted. The fascinating aspect was the way in with art played a role in their society. The drawings on the cave walls allowed for anthropologists and archeologists to get an insight into that civilization. The virtual tour of the Cave of Lascaux, was an amazing visual. The cravings in the cave were so detailed and precise. The drawings were detailed I certain aspects. The visual of the depth of the cave was also very detailed.
After reading I had so many questions particularly about their lifestyle and about the art in that cave.
I wanted to learn about their daily life, what it would be like to live in that society.
I wanted to find out whether or not the art was done by random people in their civilization or people of a high status?

The primary element for religion of the need to learn about the world around, the need to explain why things are occurring. Early civilizations for example believed in Gods of the Earth in terms of explaining why the earth did certain things.

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